Tendou's Kenpo Karate
Tom Kelly
9th Ceremony
The Early Years
Kansas City, Kansas After School Program
2007 Spain World Championship
2005 Dublin World Championships
Tatum Pictures
GM Larry Tatum's Kenpo Camp 2004
Belt Curriculum
Master Tendou Named "Hometown Hero"
2003 Bad Boy Tournament
2002 Bad Boy Tournament
The Law & The Martial Arts
Kenpo Belt System
American Kenpo Family Groupings
Something Real Cool
1. Deflecting Hammer
2. Thrusting Salute
3. Buckling Branch
4. Swinging Pendulum
5. Hugging Pendulum
6. Retreating Pendulum
7. Detour From Doom
8. Circle of Doom
9. Rotating Destruction
10. Deceptive Panther
11. Defensive Cross
12. Bowing to Buddha
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