Tendou's Kenpo Karate
Home | MOVIE | Tom Kelly | 9th Ceremony | The Early Years | Kansas City, Kansas After School Program | 2007 Spain World Championship | 2005 Dublin World Championships | Tatum Pictures | GM Larry Tatum's Kenpo Camp 2004 | Belt Curriculum | Master Tendou Named "Hometown Hero" | 2003 Bad Boy Tournament | 2002 Bad Boy Tournament | The Law & The Martial Arts | Kenpo Belt System | American Kenpo Family Groupings | Something Real Cool


1. Delayed Swords
2. Mace of Aggression
3. Sword and Hammer
4. Clutching Feathers
5. Gift of Destruction
6. Lone Kimono
7. Crossing Talon
8. Obscure Wings
9. Obscure Sword
10. Twirling Wings
11. Darting Mace
12. Gift in Return
13. Twin Kimono
14. Begging Hands
15. Raking Mace
16. Crossed Twigs
17. Gift of Destiny
18. Gripping Talon
19. Obscure Claw
20. Menacing Twirl
21. Broken Gift
22. Conquering Shield
23. Glancing Spear
24. Falcons of Force
25. Desperate Falcons
26. Courting the Tiger
27. Dominating Circles
28. Grasping Eagles
29. Blinding Sacrifice
30. Snakes of Wisdom
31. Falling Falcon